St. Mary’s Old-Fashioned Festival

  •  2025 38th Old-Fashioned Festival click here for picnic flyer
  • PICNIC PLANNING FOR JUNE 2025 —OUR 38th YEAR —ARE UNDERWAY!!!Plans have begun for our 2025 Old Fashioned Church Picnic which will be held on Sunday, June 1st, 2025. We are asking for donations towards raffle prizes by March 31stto have raffle tickets printed in time for presale. Cash or items are welcome! Make monetary donations with a check payable to St. Mary’s and drop it in the church collection, mail or take to the parish rectory. If putting in the collection, please put in an envelope labeled “raffle donation”. If you would like to donate and have questions, please call the rectory at 417-476-2827, Mellanie Carder at 417-737-2812, or Frances Boman at 417-693-0174 and we can help. We welcome new ideas and ways to add to the picnic so if you are willing and able –contact Mellanie or Frances. We want the day to be full of fun, family activities so parishioners can enjoy the day visiting with family and friends from our parish family and surrounding communities.Thank you for the hard work and dedication in years past and we’re looking forward to having another great picnic this year!!

Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry


  • Fish fry every Friday of Lent from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
  • Adults $10.00 Children $5.00 (ages6-12) 5 and under Free
  • Meal includes: Fish, Brown beans, coleslaw, cornbread, tater tots, fettuccine alfredo